Advent Season Scripture Study—Join us on a spiritual walk through the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. Each Wednesday from Nov. 20 through Dec. 14, we will read, explore, and personalize scripture passages to renew our experience with the first five mysteries of the rosary. We will use the book from the Threshold Bible Study series Mysteries of the Rosary by Stephen Binz as our guide. Each session will start after Wednesday evening Mass and last until 9:00. To sign up for these group discussions there is a signup sheet in the lobby of the Church or for more information, contact Melissa Fent 419-305-7056. Through prayer, study, and discussion, we can make this season more meaningful and prepare ourselves better for the coming of our Savior on Christmas Day. Also, there are plans to continue our study and meditation in the Spring with the other mysteries of the rosary.