St Teresa Catholic Church
4227 State Route 707 Box 445
Rockford, Ohio  45882-0445

St Teresa Church Office: (419) 363-2633

Immaculate Conception Parish Office: (419) 586-6648   

Religious Education: (419) 363-2633

Amy Drake, at

Coordinator of Religious Education

St Teresa Religious Education & Youth Ministry

Preschool, K-12

St Teresa provides opportunities for students’ preschool, K-12 for religious formation on Sunday Mornings from 9:00am-10:15am.  Classes are held in the basement of the church and begin shortly after Labor Day running through the first week in May. 

Preschool age 3-6 with Kindergarten provides a teaching, creative and caring way of expressing and sharing God’s love to children.

Students learn about our Catholic faith and Tradition along with opportunities to experience Christian Service.  Our catechists are deeply committed to their Catholic faith and have a great desire to share that faith through a wide variety of opportunities. First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are joyfully experienced in the second grade. 

Our classes are combined beginning in the 5th grade. 5th & 6th grades, 7th & 8th grades, 9th & 10th grades and 11th & 12th grades are combined with curriculum alternating every other year to cover all the course work. Confirmation is experienced during the 10th grade year, every 2 years. Confirmation classes are held at St Teresa. The retreat and Sacrament of Confirmation are combined with Immaculate Conception Church, Celina, in the spring.

Youth ministry provides opportunities and experiences to draw teens into active, responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community and the greater church.

If you have any questions regarding our religious education program or youth ministry please contact us at the church.  If you would like to contact us by phone, our number is 419-363-2633.  You may also contact the Coordinator of Religious Education, Cheryl Nichols at  We will be glad to help you!